Number Theory Seminar

DATES: Tuesday, November 16 (2010), at 1:55pm  
SPEAKER: Duncan Buell (University of South Carolina)
TITLE: Integer Squares

If a quadratic polynomial in x assumes square values for a sequence of successive integers x, then those squares will have constant second difference (equal to twice the lead coefficient).

Nontrivial sequences of four successive squares are known for quadratics x2 + bx + c, but it is not known if sequences of five or more do/can exist. We will present a complete characterization of sequences of four successive squares that is unfortunately not "effective" or "algorithmic".

Infinitely many sequences of eight successive squares have been shown to exist for differences > 2.

Recently, Browkin and Brzezinski have shown that only finitely many "symmetric" sequences exist with even length >10.

We will discuss these problems and relate them to simultaneous Pell equations, elliptic curves, and real quadratic number fields.

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Last update made Mon Nov 15 17:43:55 EST 2010.